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Best Dentists in Rustom Bagh/ Top Dentists in Rustom Bagh

We are all aware of how important it is to brush our teeth regularly and at least twice a day. But there are a few things that one needs to do to maintain good oral hygiene and health. You may be surprised to know that, there are certain habits that we acquire over some time which may be causing a problem in the long run or damage our teeth and oral health as a whole. If you think that each of your habits is beneficial in the long run then you need to reconsider this. If you want the best oral care for yourself and that of your family then it is time that you dumped some of your wrong habits. To start with, let’s give you a quick input on how you can improve your oral health by including some of these simple habits in your daily routine.

Are you brushing your teeth too hard? If the answer is yes, then you need to stop this immediately because this may be harming your gums and teeth in a big way without you realizing it. While you may be applying a lot of force to scrape off the grime that settles on your teeth over some time to show off your pearly whites, you need to be a bit easy when brushing your teeth. Too much of pressure main cause bleeding of gums and also infection in the long run.

A better idea would be to use either a soft or a medium brush that works gently on your teeth. These are beneficial in getting rid of the plaque that settles over time. It is not all that difficult to remove plaque as it is much softer and lose then you can imagine. A gentle rub over the teeth should enough get you rid of it. Plaque mainly causes a problem only when it is not removed regularly with the right brushing technique and may turn into tartar. Removing tartar is not an easy task and is best left to your dentist. Another good way to get a plaque from accumulating is to gently massage your teeth after every meal. This way you will limit the plaque from building up and changing into tartar.

Keep your toothbrush clean and in a hygienic place. Yes, it may be news to you but using a toothbrush that is unclean or kept at a place which is likely to invite bacteria, can cause certain infectious diseases. You may not be knowing this but brushes are carriers of diseases that are caused due to infection in the blood besides pneumonia. You surely do not want to inflict any of this by not maintaining the hygiene of your toothbrush. Unclean toothbrushes are also known to harbor bacteria that causes cavity and this is the primary cause of many young adults and children having a cavity at a very early stage in their life.

The Indian Dental Association recommends one to change their toothbrush every 3 months. The reason being that toothbrush a lot of bacteria and germs that accumulate over some time and also the bristles are not in the perfect condition to get rid of the grime that settles on the teeth. The bristles usually get frayed and may even break with extended use. They might also start to look old and unclean and discolored. Using a brush like that will not give you optimum results in terms of complete oral hygiene and bright and shining teeth. This may intern promote the accumulation of plaque and tartar. You surely do not want to take that risk, therefore, should change your brush 2 to 3 months.

Do you brush too quickly, if yes then that may not be the right way to do it? It often happens that you are in a rush and have a meeting to attend or are getting g late for work. In this case, you may quickly run a toothbrush over your teeth and leave it. If you brush your teeth even for 30 seconds then it is not completely wrong, but this may not solve the purpose and you will not see a major change in your oral hygiene. Make sure that you brush your teeth for at least a couple of minutes every day. By doing this you would be helping your teeth maintain their oral hygiene in a big way. A lot of people do not even brush for one entire minute which is half of the stipulated period. When you are in a rush and do not dedicate enough time to brushing you are giving way to countless bacteria and plaque that may have accumulated from the last night's sumptuous meal. Not to forget the dessert that you relished so much. The toothpaste that you use contains fluoride and this substance needs to do its work on the teeth. Therefore make sure that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes leaving the toothpaste on generously.

Do you brush your teeth soon after you had your meal? If your answer is yes you are high on your oral health and moving g in the right direction. But the bad news is that this may be causing more harm to your teeth to be specific then doing much good. Oral hygiene is very important but that does not mean that you rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after every meal and 3 to 4 times a day. After a meal, certain acids are released in the body. These acids get easy access to your teeth if you do not allow them to settle initially. This may be causing your teeth to be highly susceptible to erosion and become very sensitive to anything that you eat or drink. It is not a good idea, therefore, to introduce your teeth to immediate brushing after a meal. Wait for some time and then rinse your mouth thoroughly, followed by a gentle massage.

If you are looking for oral health experts to guide you on more such things then we are the best Dentists in Rustom Bagh for all your oral care. Our Top dentists in Rustom Bagh are very experts in treating dental issues and provide you the best treatment and care for the same. We are most preferred dentists in Rustom Bagh when it comes to dental problems treatments.

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