Jeevanbimanagar & Thippasandra.

Top Dentists in Kasturinagar / Best Dentists in Kasturinagar

Oral hygiene is something that one cannot afford to overlook if you wish to have a healthy set of teeth that shine through your smile. It is a common routine to brush in the morning and night, but a lot of times we compromise on this routine, especially the night one. Not just this but sometimes we tend to get into certain wrong habits that lead us to have teeth and gum problems that can be painful. If you want some good oral hygiene then there are certain habits that you need to set right to achieve that. To beginning with let us see some of the common habits that we tend to follow, that might be causing a problem in the long run.

Do you brush your teeth too hard? If you do then you need to change that. Brushing too hard can lead to gum problem as it damages the gums. Do you see blood when you brush? This happens when you rub the brush vigorously over your teeth. It does take some effort to get rid of the grime that settles on your teeth over the days and you need to brush a bit hard to get sparkling white teeth, but that does not mean that you harm your teeth in return. Putting too much pressure while brushing is likely to cause bruises and if this happens frequently, then you may have an infection and serious gum problems. This also weakens the teeth and eventually, it may lead to falling of teeth.

Plaque is something that settles on the teeth due to food deposit and not rinsing your teeth properly. It is important to get it off your teeth and can be easily removed by brushing lightly. If you allow plaque to settle for too long then it may change to tarter that is difficult to remove. For tarter you need a dentists intervention and may have to go for a cleanup sitting to get your shining teeth back. A simple and easy trick to prevent plaque from accumulating is to do gentle rubbing the molars with gentle brush strokes. You must use a soft to medium brush to clean your teeth and get the right technique to brush your teeth.

Another bad habit that some of us tend to have and don't talk openly about us sharing a toothbrush. Sometimes you may not find your own and will use your partner’s brush. Avoid it under all circumstances and you will save yourself from infection and a slew of germs entering your body.

You may not know this but toothbrushes are carriers of bacteria and germs if not kept in clean conditions. Even using someone else brush for once may give you infection and you might wonder what the reason is. A toothbrush can harbor certain bacteria that are cause for a cavity. If a person has a cavity then using their brush may give you the same bacteria and putting your oral hygiene at risk. Your oral health is in your own hands. Take charge of your oral hygiene and you will not encounter any problem at any stage in life.

We are popular Dentists in Kasturinagar and we have specialization in treating all oral issues that you may encounter at any point in your life. We take special care in providing treatment that is pain-free and makes it a pleasing experience for you as and your family. Visit us and get rid of all your dental problems in no time.

Taking treatment from our top dentists in Kasturinagar will help you to get relief from dental issues. And being best dentists in Kasturinagar they will suggest you on how to maintain your teeth healthy.

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